In this video, meet several real Hunter patients and their families, and follow a family travelling through the obstacles and clues on their way to a Hunter syndrome diagnosis.

In this video, follow several Hunter families experiencing the different emotions that receiving a Hunter diagnosis can evoke, and find resources on how to handle them.

In this video, we explore the different specialists who may be involved in the ongoing physical management of Hunter syndrome.

In this interview, Toni-Ann shares her experience of raising two boys with Hunter syndrome, describing the lead-up to their diagnoses and coming to terms with the difficulties they face.

In this video, Dr. Barbara Burton, Dr. David Molter, Carrie Dunn, and her son, Jackson—who has been diagnosed with Hunter syndrome—join The Balancing Act to discuss Hunter syndrome.

Meet Kyle Plunkett, who has not allowed his Hunter syndrome diagnosis hold him back from enjoying life to the fullest.

Learn more about one of Kyle’s main interests: sports! Kyle describes his enjoyment of being a fan of sports and participating in activities.

In this video, Kyle shares the places he has traveled to and the destinations still on his bucket list.

Friends are an important part of Kyle’s world. He believes that one of the greatest gifts of his diagnosis is the people it has allowed him to connect with.

This video provides an overview of Hunter syndrome, exploring how glycosaminoglycan (GAG) buildup occurs and interferes with the functioning of certain cells and organs.

In this video, Professor Anna Tylki-Szymanska discusses the early neurological signs and symptoms of MPS II. These include cognitive impairment, attention deficit, sleep disturbances, and behavioral difficulties.

This short video describes the early symptoms of Hunter syndrome, which may include coarse facial features and enlarged abdomen, tongue, and tonsils.

This short video outlines the signs and symptoms of Hunter syndrome that may develop during the course of the disease.

The Diagnosis Doesn't Have to be Rare campaign aims to highlight the challenging diagnosis journey patients with rare diseases often experience, calling for improvement in the diagnosis pathway.

As a child with MPS II goes through adolescence, the gap between pediatric and adult care must be bridged. Here, Dr. Christina Lampe highlights the importance of embedding transition care as a key part of adolescent health provision.